Tietomaa school tour

The Science Center Tietomaa will be closed for the next three years. Thanks to the funding granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the activity is introduced to schools. The tour, which will take place between November 2023 and February 2024, is called Tietomaa on the road and its target group is the 3rd year classes of basic education. In the pilot phase, the service is only offered to a limited number of schools.


A different kind of school day

The main themes of the tour are mechanics and energy, which are approached by experimenting, solving challenges and working in a group. The program also includes pre- and follow-up assignments for the participating 3rd graders to support a comprehensive learning experience and further processing of the themes of the visit. The content supports the goals of broad-based learning as well as the subject-specific contents of the elementary school curriculum, taking into account the age group.

Contact information

Laura Lampinen

Project Manager (Outreach activities)

Harri Häll

Education services coordinator

Iida Jääskö

Project assistant